Brown Medicine Goes Blue for Colon Cancer Awareness
The Brown Medicine Endoscopy Center, an outpatient medical suite dedicated to the prevention and treatment of digestive issues including colon cancer, held a special ceremonial event to commemorate March as Colon Cancer Awareness Month.
The event was held outdoors at East Providence City Hall. Attendees wore blue clothing and carried a flashlight to participate in a “Blue Light Walk” around the building. City Hall’s exterior lights were temporarily replaced with blue bulbs to bathe the walkers in blue-colored light, in visual support of colorectal cancer awareness.
East Providence Mayor Roberto DaSilva, Brown Medicine Endoscopy Center Medical Director Harlan Rich, M.D., and East Providence Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Laura McNamara made brief remarks.
A giant colon and colon wall were on display for people to walk through and see polyps that can grow on the interior walls of the colon. A special demonstration to “kick cancer” was conducted by a group of blue belt students who train at EP Martial Arts school located in East Providence.
“Colon cancer is preventable, treatable and beatable with proper screening to remove polyps, or clumps of cells, that can become cancerous,” states Dr. Rich. “The age of 45 is now the new 50 to first get screened for many people unless there is a family history. Prevention can also include eating a high-fiber diet, weight control, and increased physical activity. No one has to die from colon cancer.”
Photos from Event